Our frames are as individual as you are — eyewear RSS

The face behind the brand

‘I’ve grown up around glasses and sunglasses.’ Steph remarks. ‘My father has been an optician for over 50 years and I used to love visiting the trade fairs to see new designs and spent hours trying on pairs from his vintage collections.’ This lifelong love of eyewear gave Steph the idea to start Queen of Specs and offer a selection of handpicked, sustainably sourced glasses and sunglasses to all – with or without prescription lenses. So, whether its vintage, preloved or sustainable glasses or sunglasses you are looking for, Steph would love to help you find your perfect pair.  ‘I am so passionate about what we do’ continues Steph, ‘and would love the opportunity to share my passion for sustainable...

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Our glasses frames are as individual as you are.....

Fashion is fleeting, trends come in and trends go out.  Styles, shapes, materials and different colours are interchangable throughout the seasons.  A glasses frame style maybe 'in' one season and 'out' the next.  So, what happens to all of those unwanted, unloved frames?  Well, that's where Queen of Specs comes in, capitalising on our 50 years in optics we are able to source 'new old' stock, never worn and in pristine condition - thus saving it from landfill or a fate worse than that... incineration!.....

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